3. Performance
3.3 Other income
  Group Company
  31 March
31 March
31 March
31 March
Other income 895 863 1 751 1 780
Interest received from trade receivables1 203 137 162 106
Sundry income2 477 452 1 392 1 414
Profit on disposal of assets3 215 274 197 260
1 Interest received on trade receivables relates to interest on overdue trade receivables accounts. These are financial assets measured at amortised cost. Interest is recognised on a time proportionate basis, taking into account the principal amount outstanding and effective interest rate.
2 Sundry income for the Company includes income from management fees charged to subsidiaries. The Group and Company amounts include gains or losses on lease terminations and other income on the submarine cable systems. Income on submarine cables consists of reimbursements for work done on behalf of the consortiums, reimbursements on operating cost, maintenance cost (direct cost) and travel fees related to the cable services.
3 Included in the current year profit on disposal of assets for Group and Company is a gain on disposal of contract assets to the amount of R123 million (31 March 2023: R198 million).