10. | Employee benefits | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10.1 | Employee benefits summary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Significant judgements, estimates and assumptionsThe Group provides defined benefit plans for certain post-employment benefits. The obligation and assets related to each of the post-retirement benefits are determined through an actuarial valuation. The actuarial valuation relies heavily on assumptions as disclosed in note 10.1. The assumptions determined by management make use of information obtained from the Group's employment agreements with staff and pensioners, market-related returns on similar investments, market‑related discount rates and other available information. The assumptions concerning the interest on assets and expected change in liabilities are determined on a uniform basis, considering long-term historical returns and future estimates of returns and medical inflation expectations. In the event that further changes in assumptions are required, the future amounts of post-employment benefits may be affected materially. The discount rate reflects the average timing of the estimated defined benefit payments. The discount rate is based on long-term South African Government bonds with the longest maturity period as reported by the JSE debt market. The discount rate is expected to follow the trend of inflation. The interest cost on the defined benefit obligation and the interest on assets are accounted for through the net interest cost based on the net defined benefit asset or liability and the discount rate, measured at the beginning of the year. The forfeitable share incentives are allocated to employees based on vesting conditions linked to time and performance measures. The total shareholder return is considered in estimating the fair value of the grant at grant date. The Group allocates the number of shares per employee based on a formula taking into account the annual guaranteed package, percentage of gross profit and share price at grant date. The shares to be allocated are limited to approximately 5% of issued share capital and vest between three and five years. The additional share scheme award provides for the granting of shares to eligible participating employees, equivalent in value to the increase in share price from the grant date (based on the specific grant price) to the vesting date. Summary of material accounting policiesPost-employment benefitsThe Group provides defined benefit and defined contribution plans for the benefit of employees. These plans are funded by the employees and the Group, taking into account recommendations of the independent actuaries. The post-retirement telephone rebate liability is unfunded. Defined benefit plansThe Group provides defined benefit plans for pension, retirement, post-retirement medical aid benefits and telephone rebates to qualifying employees. The Group's net obligation in respect of defined benefits is calculated separately for each plan by estimating the amount of future benefits earned in return for services rendered. The amount reported in the statement of financial position represents the present value of the defined benefit obligations, using the projected credit unit method, reduced by the fair value of the related plan assets. To the extent that there is uncertainty as to the entitlement to the surplus, no asset is recognised. The effects of this asset limitation and actuarial gains and losses are recognised in other comprehensive income. Interest, service cost, settlement gains or losses and curtailment gains or losses related to the defined benefit plan are recognised in the statement of profit or loss. Telkom Retirement Fund reservesIn terms of its rules, the Telkom Retirement Fund operates a number of reserve accounts, namely a member share account, risk and expense reserve account, processing error account, pension reserves account and solvency reserve account. The risk and expense reserve account comprises the funds required to support fluctuations in the payment of the in-service death and disability benefits and administration expenses. The processing error reserve account comprises the balance as identified at 31 March 2008 plus all investment returns and appreciation earned by the fund less investment-related expenses, taxation and all amounts allocated to members, pensioners and reserve accounts. The member surplus account comprises the actuarial surplus allocated to members and pensioners. Solvency reserve is held within the pensions account to act as a buffer against worse-than-expected experience and equal to an amount set by the actuary of the fund from time to time to ensure a prudent funding level that is subject to affordability. The pensions account comprises the funds required to pay each pension that has been granted in terms of the rules. All these reserves are taken into account by the actuaries in determining the net value of the fund (fund assets less the fund obligation).
The increase in employee benefits, specifically the plan assets, is largely due to the increase in medical aid plan assets.
The Group provides benefits for its permanent employees through the Telkom Pension Fund and the Telkom Retirement Fund. Membership to one of the funds is compulsory. In addition, certain retired employees receive medical aid benefits and a telephone rebate. The liabilities for all of the benefits are actuarially determined in accordance with accounting requirements each year. In addition, statutory funding valuations for the retirement and pension funds are performed at intervals not exceeding three years. Actuarial valuations were performed by qualified actuaries to determine the benefit obligation, plan asset and service costs for the pension and retirement funds for each of the financial periods presented. General information applicable to all fundsThe weighted average duration of all the post-employment benefit obligations is 10 years (31 March 2023: 9.5 years). Principal actuarial assumptions were as follows:Assumptions regarding future mortality are based on mortality tables. The current longevities underlying the values of the liabilities in the defined benefit plan are as follows:
The overall long-term expected interest on assets is 12.4%. This is based on the IAS 19 net interest requirement. The assumed rates of mortality are determined by reference to the SA85-90 (Light) ultimate table, as published by the Actuarial Society of South Africa, for pre-retirement purposes and the PA(90) ultimate table, minus one year age rating as published by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in London and Scotland, for retirement purposes. |