Our governance approach embodies a commitment to transparency, accountability, efficiency and effectiveness. We create an environment where governance structures and processes support our ability to create value in the short, medium and long term.
We aim to build trust and confidence in our brands by upholding ethical standards and adhering to best practices. Continuous evaluation and agility enable us to respond effectively to the changing operating environment while adhering to the principles of good governance. Our six capitals are fundamental in managing all aspects of our business to achieve our strategic and governance goals.
Telkom’s governance universe encompasses all our structures, processes, policies, and principles that guide decision-making to ensure accountability and promote transparency throughout the Group. It includes Telkom’s Board of Directors and Committees, management structures, policies, and regulatory compliance mechanisms. All of these are tied to the six capitals that Telkom depends on.
Telkom navigates the complexities of the telecommunications industry through robust oversight and strategic direction. We strive for excellence in corporate governance to maintain trust and drive long‑term value for our shareholders, customers, employees, and the broader community.
Our Group governance framework is robust and serves as the cornerstone of effective decision-making, co-ordination and accountability within the Group. It gives effect to our governance approach. By providing clarity on roles, responsibilities and decision-making processes, it ensures alignment with strategic objectives and values across the Group.
The framework’s content is subject to the statutory and regulatory environment within which the Group operates. This includes the JSE Listings Requirements, the Companies Act, our MoI and King IV.
The governance framework is implemented by the Group Secretariat from the Corporate Centre to the subsidiaries. This promotes enhanced Group performance and sustainability by embedding sound governance practices and efficient collaboration throughout the Group. The framework is reviewed every three years or as and when required. The last review was performed in March 2023.
The DoA is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership and Group management. It enables leadership to focus on higher‑level strategic initiatives while ensuring that day-to-day operations run smoothly. Overall, the delegation of authority is a key driver of productivity, innovation and agility within the approved risk framework.
The subsidiary delegations of authority align with the principles of the Group delegation of authority and are regularly monitored and reviewed for efficiency. In FY2025, Telkom will embark on a holistic review of the Group and subsidiary delegations of authority to ensure alignment, adherence to best practice, clarity of thresholds and guidelines for decision-making. These will be submitted to the relevant governance structures once the reviews are complete.
The Group Exco is a management governance structure constituted at the discretion and guidance of the GCEO. It supports him in carrying out Board‑delegated operational activities and feeds into the Board and its Committees.
Group Exco comprises the Executive Directors, CEOs of all business units, Chief of HR, Chief Digital Officer and Chief Capital Projects Officer as Members. The Group Executive of Internal Audit, Group Company Secretary, Chief of Strategy, and Head of Strategy and Project Management Office are permanent attendees of Group Exco meetings.
The last DoA review was conducted in 2020 and another one is underway.
The Board plays a pivotal role in guiding and overseeing our strategic direction and operations. It comprises individuals with diverse expertise, experiences and backgrounds. This enables it to take a broad perspective in decision-making, and engage effectively in strategic planning, risk management and performance evaluation, providing valuable insights and oversight to management.
Overall, the Board serves as the cornerstone of governance excellence, guiding Telkom towards sustainable growth and success.